Economy quilt block calculator

Economy Quilt Block Calculator

This calculator helps you create an Economy Block quilt by calculating the cut sizes of the center and corner squares based on your desired finished block size.

Enter the finished block size, click “Calculate Sizes,” and follow the output for cutting the center and corner squares for perfect Economy Block.

Calculator and formula to calculate economy quilt block

What is economy quilt block?

Economy Quilt Block, also called “square-in-a-square” or “diamond-in-a-square,” is a traditional quilt block pattern that has become popular thanks to marketing by Red Pepper Quilts, Crazy Mom Quilts, and others.

It has a square in the middle that is surrounded by two sets of triangles. This makes for an interesting and useful pattern.

The size of the block can be changed to fit the pattern of the quilt.

How to calculate the economy Quilt block?

You can use the below formula:

  • Finished center size: Finished block size / 2
  • Cut size of center: Finished Center Size + 0.5
  • Size of square for interior corners: (Finished Center Size / 1.414) + 0.875 (round up at least a half inch)
  • Size of square for exterior corners: Finished center size + 0.875 (round up at least a half inch)

You can use the above calculator to save time.

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